Jun 17, 2020
A conversation with Rev. Dr. Nancy Rankin. We started the 2020 New Year, with every faith community in the WORLD, I hope, having a Mission Statement, A FRESH 2020 Vision, and A Plan of Engagement, ready to forge ahead into this NEW Decade. Then the world paused, due to the destructive GLOBAL PANDEMIC, the new narrative arose in America: ESSENTIAL Vs. NON-Essential workers and the word Sheltering in Place. I am grateful for - front line essential workers. Then the faith communities, we were called to Shelter in Place, the Doors of our physical buildings were closed, BUT we the people, remained open and active. The questions and topics that were discussed during my coaching conversations throughout the Metro District with local church leaders and community leaders have been, how do w PIVOT into this New NORMAL? How do we transition through these PHASES of re-opening? How do we become RELEVANT and AGILE at the same time? WHAT’S NEXT for MINISTRY. All these answers and more on today's podcast.
Jim Harnish, You Only Have To Die: Leading Your Congregations to New Life.
Will Mancini, God Dreams: 12 Vision Templates For Finding Focus.
Susan Beaumont, How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You Are Going.
Bob Farr, Renovate Or Die
David Cooperrider (Author), Diana D. Whitney Appreciate Inquire: A Positive Revolution to Change