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Metro District Sights & Sounds

Jul 20, 2020

A conversation with Rev. Kyle Thompson states, for 20 years, Sharon United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, faced declining membership, and community engagement, despite its location being one of Charlotte’s fastest-growing, upscale communities, where the church was across the street from the luxurious...

Jun 17, 2020

A conversation with Rev. Dr. Nancy Rankin. We started the 2020 New Year, with every faith community in the WORLD, I hope,  having a Mission Statement, A FRESH 2020 Vision, and A Plan of Engagement, ready to forge ahead into this NEW Decade. Then the world paused, due to the destructive GLOBAL PANDEMIC, the new narrative...

Jun 8, 2020

A conversation with Erin Hawkins - General Secretary of The Commission on Religion and Race a Global Agency of The United Methodist Church. Ms. Hawkins during our conversation pertaining to membership stated, We want people to believe, in order to belong. But what  if we started creating places of belonging, in order...

Jun 5, 2020

In light of the murder of George Floyd - Minneapolis, Ahmaud Arbery - South Georgia, Breonna Taylor- Kentucky, the Mother Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church massacre - Charleston SC.  The protest, the riots and the list goes on and on. As difficult as it has become, as Christians we must speak truth about race,...

Jun 3, 2020

In light of the murder of George Floyd - Minneapolis, Ahmaud Arbery - South Georgia, Breonna Taylor- Kentucky, the Mother Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church massacre - Charleston SC.  The protest, the riots and the list goes on and on. As difficult as it has become, as Christians we must speak truth about race,...