Jul 20, 2020
A conversation with Rev. Kyle Thompson states, for 20 years, Sharon United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, faced declining membership, and community engagement, despite its location being one of Charlotte’s fastest-growing, upscale communities, where the church was across the street from the luxurious SouthPark mall.
So when the leadership began to discuss renovating the building, with its distinctive “ski-slope steeple”, the Rev. Kyle began to think even bigger. “What if we could create an environment where we would do life together, where sacred and secular would intersect, where we could be the soul of SouthPark?” he said. “What if we could start from scratch?”- Re-Launch
1. Smart Church Solutions
Tim Cool, Chief Solutions Officer
This is our owner's representative and project manager. Have been with us from the beginning, guiding us through the process. Great resource for churches looking to clarify a vision and/or to pursue the vision logistically - especially regarding buildings, property, mixed-use, etc.
2. Childress Klein Properties
Chris Thomas, Partner: chris.thomas@childressklein.com
Our development partners
3. Choate Construction
Our builder
4. Lodestar Law: Commercial Real Estate
Suzanne Schaffer: suzanne@lodestarlaw.com
Our attorney
5. Picnic Table Productions
We contract with them to make our videos.
6. Generis
Alan Wildes: alan@generis.com
Our capital campaign consultant
7. First United Methodist Church, Chicago (The Chicago Temple)
The church owns its own skyscraper, in which the church is housed. We learned a lot from them.